Finished reading Bad King and want more? Here are a few related books I think you’ll enjoy.


Georgie’s book is called BAD BLOOD


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Bennett’s book is called JUST ONE THING.

Flirting is always a fail. So certified genius Bennett Alexander hires a tutor to teach a super-nerd what women want. But soon, he doesn’t care about the lessons. He just wants to figure out how to make teacher + student = forever.



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Love Romantic Comedy?

Get ready for the most inappropriate office romance ever!

You’ve been warned…





My cock a doodle doo is on strike.

Yeah I know, I can’t believe it either. But he’ll only crow for one woman.

Spoiler Alert *she hates me*


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Am I arrogant? Maybe.

Do women love it? Abso-F’ing-lutely.

Then I meet the one woman who isn’t impressed.


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