This is the conversation between me, myself & I.
Me – – Self? The Alexanders fans are pretty hyped waiting on this book. They’re going to be pissed if it doesn’t come out today.
I – – But the copyediting isn’t quite done. And the vendors can’t load it that fast. Some people will get it later than others. You know how herself feels about that. It’s unfair!
Myself – – Whatever. You know you feel the same way. Hmmm. We *could* release the 1st half to tease and torture them. You know how much fun that is. *cue evil laughter*
~ ~ ~
So this release has been quite messy. I got sick a few weeks ago and that blew everything out of line. (Thanks for all the “get well” emails and well wishes. You guys are the best.)
But I’m so excited for you guys to get to know Eli & Kay that I’ve decided to do something I’ve never done for a new release. I’m going to allow my mailing list subscribers to read the first half of ALL I NEED IS YOU for free *before* the street release date.
The email will go out soon so make sure you’re on the list! Unless you’d rather wait until Sunday…